2857 items found
U.S. Face Camouflage Paint

U.S. Face Camouflage Paint

A tube of un-issued face camouflage paint in light green and loam. This example is dated June 1992. However it is identical to the face paint used during the Vietnam War.  read more

Code: 58699

10.00 GBP

U.S. Sewing kit

U.S. Sewing kit

A issue sewing kit, consisting of a packet of spare buttons, needles, safety pins and thread.  read more

Code: 58690

25.00 GBP

U.S. Military Map   Regensburg

U.S. Military Map Regensburg

This is a U.S. military map of Regensburg, Germany, which was published by the Navy and War Department. The map was drafted by the 649th Engineer Topography Battalion and dated 1945. The back of the map has a number of small German town layouts of the Regensburg area.  read more

Code: 58677

35.00 GBP

Bazooka M6 Rocket Pouch

Bazooka M6 Rocket Pouch

This is a good example of a Bazooka pouch for the M6 Rocket. The pouch is maker marked "J.A.SHOE" and dated 1944.  read more

Code: 58673


CO2 Gas Cylinder Packet For M1926 Life Preserver

CO2 Gas Cylinder Packet For M1926 Life Preserver

This is rare packet containing six CO2 gas cylinders for use with the U.S. Navy issue M1926 life Preserver. The M1926 life preserver was issued to all military personal on troop transporters and taking part on amphibious landings. The M1926 Life preserver would take two CO2 Gas filled cylinders to automatically inflate. The six cylinders in this listing are empty and are for display o...  read more

Code: 58652

65.00 GBP

Armoured Vehicle First Aid Box & Contents

Armoured Vehicle First Aid Box & Contents

This is a large first aid box for armoured vehicles with contents consisting of the following. Large carlisle dressing, 5 compress bandages, antiseptic applicators, tannic acid burn jelly, triangular bandage, adhesive bandage, antiseptic swabs, eye dressings ammonia inhalants. plus more.  read more

Code: 58637

245.00 GBP

U.S. M1910 Water bottle Set

U.S. M1910 Water bottle Set

This is a matching 1945 dated water bottle set, consisting of a M1910 water bottle , which is maker marked "A.G.M.CO" a M1942 cup, which is maker marked "S.M.CO" and a M1910 pouch.  read more

Code: 58634

80.00 GBP

MG & Artillery Optical Aiming Circle Sight

MG & Artillery Optical Aiming Circle Sight

This is a rare Richtkreis 31 Aiming Circle optical sight, which was used for both artillery and fixed mounted machine guns to measure horizontal and vertical angles in preparation of indirect fire. The sight would have been fitted to a standard German army tripod. The sight is in two parts, the aiming circle and the periscope, which was fitted by means of of a dovetail slide. This allow...  read more

Code: 58565

595.00 GBP

Hair Clippers & Pouch

Hair Clippers & Pouch

A good example of set of hair clippers which have RB numbered "AM366rNO". The clippers are in good working order and come with a Wehrmacht issue pouch which are stamped with the words " Haarschneide Maschine". ( Hair Clipping Machine ).  read more

Code: 58461


Trench  Candle

Trench Candle

This is a trench candle, commonly called the Hindenburg candle. It was first used during WW1, made in the field from melted down candles and used to light bunkers.  read more

Code: 58445

15.00 GBP