U.S. Navy Pilots Documents
This is a Navy Pilots paperwork consisting of a number of documents. A Ships newsletter U.S.S. St George ( AV-16 ) dated July 1945, Another newsletter from the Navy Flight instructors school, A pamphlet on 10 ways to spot a good salute. Flight orders from Fleet Air Wing Seventeen, dated 4th November 1945. A list marked "Secret" on the number of Japanese ships sunk and damaged, dated June 1945.... read more
75.00 GBP
Autographed Photograph of Enola Gays Tail Gunner
This is an autographed photograph of the tail gunner of the Enola Gay, B29 Bomber which dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Technical Sergeant George R. Caron. read more
95.00 GBP
U.S. 8th Airforce Flag
This is a framed silk souvenir flag of the 8th Airforce which would have been sent to a family member back states side. read more
125.00 GBP
Army Airforce Album
A unique chance to own a historic photographic album of the U.S. bomber force during WW2 which was compiled by an enthusiastic collector, who regularly attended veterans re-unions and would obtain photos, badges, letters and various other documents relating to the bomber crews, which he compiled all into a single album. The majority of the photographs have never been seen before. There are 76 ... read more
595.00 GBP
Tiger Claws Print
A extremely nice print of a P40 Warhawk flown by a member of the AVG ( American Volunteer Group ), which American pilots flying for the Chinese air force against the Japanese. This print is called "Tiger Claws and is numbered 2796 of 4750 prints produced. The print comes with its authenticity certificate and is signed by the artist Stan Stokes. read more
45.00 GBP
B24 Bomber Canvas
This is a canvas of a B24 flight over Italy. The canvas was produced by a unknown artist. read more
75.00 GBP
Memphis Belle Print
Probably the most famous of all B-17's the Memphis Belle. This print is a limited addition this is number 15 of 50 and the print is signed by the Memphis Belle's pilot Colonel Robert K.Morgan. The print was produced by Artist Ernie Boyette. read more
60.00 GBP
100th Bomb Group Thorpe Abbots Print
This is a print of a drawing of the 100th Bomb group which where stationed at Thorpe Abbots, which was produced in 1984. The print is signed by the artist, Frederich T. Searle read more
50.00 GBP
Return to Kimbolton Print
A print of a B-17G and its crew called return to Kimbolton. The print is signed by the artist Chris French read more
65.00 GBP
B25 Bomber Crew Print
This is print representing the pilot, co-pilot and navigator of a B25 medium bomber. read more
45.00 GBP